LMCS will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, due to inclement weather.
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
Congratulations to the 2022 Ice Carnival King and Queen Samuel Wolkoff and Mackenzie Ward! There was a great turnout for the Friday night event. Thank you to the InterAct Club, the Student Council, advisers and event chaperones. Also, a big thank you to the LM Rotary Club and its members. See more photos on our Facebook page.
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A couple dressed in red capes and crowns
LMCS will be closed today, Monday, January 23rd, 2023, due to inclement weather. Be safe wildcats!
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
LMCS is on a 2-hour delay today, Monday January 23rd, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
Due to skiing conditions from the weather, tonight’s trip to Holiday Mountain is cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience. If there are any questions or concerns please contact Meagan.edwards@lmcs.us.
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
The bulletin board in the fifth and sixth grade wing has a great #CoolToBeKind message.
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
On a white back ground with with a red border, pink and red hearts at the top, gnomes with names on circles, pink and red mushrooms at top and bottom and gnomes in the bottom corners reads "Be Kind, gnome matter what"
Good morning Wildcats! Due to the forecasted weather predictions, LMCS will be closed today, Thursday January 19th. Thank you and be safe!
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
Hello Wildcats! Due to forecasted weather, the Thursday, January 19th ski club trip to Elk Mountain is cancelled and will be rescheduled to 2/9/23. The dates for Elk Mountain are as follows: January 26th, February 2nd, and February 9th. If any families have any concerns or questions, please email meagan.edwards@lmcs.us.
about 2 years ago, LMCS Updates
Any student athlete who has earned a varsity letter and would like to order a varsity jacket is asked to see Mr. Eggleton. We have an online store for you to view and share with guardians. Thank you. https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productDetail/1054032/Livingston-Manor-High-School/-/1185052001/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/LM-Varsity-Web/1689122366/
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
The U.S. Census Bureau is looking for field representatives to help collect data for the American Housing Survey (AHS). The AHS is the most comprehensive national housing survey in the United States. If you’re interested in a career with the nation’s premier statistical organization, visit the U.S. Census Bureau website to learn how you can make an impact in your community: https://www.census.gov/communityjobs #NowHiring #CensusJobs #HiringNow #OpenToWork #hiring
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A close up of two people talking. With the words: Join the U.S. Census Bureau Become a field representative in your community overlaid in white letters, along with the U.S. Census Bureau logo
LMCS will be closed today Thursday, January 12th.
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
LMCS is on a 2-hour delay today Thursday, January 12th.
about 2 years ago, Christopher Hubert
Westchester Institute for Human Development will host a virtual informational workshop for families on the New York State Alternative Assement from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 20. NYSAA is part of the state testing program that measures attainment of the state's learning standards for students with the most severe disabilities. Those who attend will learn about all state assessment options, what the NYSAA test entails, the eligibility and decision-making process, graduation/student exit options and how it will impact a student's post-secondary planning. To register, visit https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rc-mrqj8pGdKOaDlTlnI1vXlkU4MucrxO
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
LMCS eighth grade students made pajama pants and shorts in their home and careers class recently. They learned how to operate sewing machine as well as how to prepare fabric. "I learned that making pajama pants was very easy," student Mya Ross said. "I like having the result at the end and seeing my classmates' pants and shorts too. It was a very fun experiments to have in eighth grade."
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
a student modeling black and white checked pj pants
a Student models plaid pj pants
a  student models red and black pj shorts with white deer on them
a student models  gray and white patterned pj pants
The Livingston Manor Class of 2023's volleyball tournament originally scheduled for Friday, Jan. 6, has been rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 10, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at Livingston Central School. The tournament is open to Sullivan County students in 9th through 12th grades. Each team must consist of six players, one being named captain, and must be co-ed with a minimum of 2:4 ratio. Teams should arrive at the school by 5 p.m. on the day of the tournament. The cost is $42 per team ($7 per player). Registration is due by Feb. 3. Concessions will be available, and spectators are welcome. Donations to the LMCS Class of 2023 will be accepted. For more information or a registration form, call 845-439-4400, ext. 1242, or email janelle.jones@lmcs.us or jennifer.tolbert@lmcs.us.
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
On a marble background reads LMCS Class of 2023 fundraiser in maroon letters with the LMCS logo in the middle
A flyer with a maroon, white and gray volleyball with information included in the post.
The deadline to get the lowest price for the LMCS 2023 Manorism Yearbook is approaching. The cost for orders placed by Jan. 31 will be $49, between Feb. 1 and April 1 will be $52, and after that, $55. Books can be ordered online at https://tinyurl.com/xem6r7w2 , or using the QR code on the flyer with this post. The 200-page, full-color books will be delivered by June 8. For more information, email yearbook adviser Jessica Mall at Jessica.mall@lmcs.us
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
information included in the post on a background of a washed out photo of the school
Livingston Manor will take part in the second annual Fred Ahart Games on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 13 and 14, at Roscoe Central School. All contributions will support the Coach Fred Ahart Foundation. Roscoe JV girls basketball will take on Monticello at 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13, followed by Sullivan West JV Boys vs. Livingston Manor at 6:30 p.m. The following day, Monticello Varsity Boys will take on Sullivan West at 11 a.m. with Seward Varsity Boys vs Livingston Manor at 12:45 p.m. and Tri-Valley Varsity Boys vs. Roscoe at 2:15 p.m. All games will be livestreamed at https://www.roscoe.k12.ny.us/page/rcs-streams and on the RCS Athletics Youtube Channel. Concessions and apparel sales will be available during all games.
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A basketball sits on a basketball court
Holiday Mountain and Elk Mountain Ski Information has been sent home with all students in grades 3-6. This information is available for students in grades 7-12 in the high school office. All permission slips and payments are due by Wednesday, Jan. 11 to Ms. Edwards. For more information, please contact Meagan at meagan.edwards@lmcs.us.
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
On a marble background reads LMCS Ski Club news in maroon letters with the LMCS logo in the middle
Livingston Manor kindergarteners went on a wild gingerbread man hunt through the school in search of that crazy little guy before break! He was found back in the classroom safe and sound with a bowl of gingerbread cookies for everyone. The class thanks the awesome LM staff, even including our ‘Mr. Jordan’ (security), for helping make this event come to life … they truly made this something our little ones will always remember! See photos from the hunt on our Facebook page.
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students surround a bowl filled with gingerbread men
Enjoy break!
about 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
The LMCS logo at top left with snowy hills and trees at the bottom, with a penguin, at left and snowman at right. Text: Winter Break Enjoy your time off and we'll see you again on Jan. 3.