In recognition of their outstanding efforts and academic achievements, about two dozen students in seventh through 12th grades were invited to the Superintendent's Honors Trip to the Villa Roma Resort in Callicoon on Thursday, May 25. While there, students were able to take part in a variety of activities including a zip line, go karts, beach volleyball, swimming and so much more.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students and an adult pose for a photo
Two go karts round a corner on a course
Three go karts  start running the course
A student drives a go kart out of the start as others line up behind
Students play beach volleyball
Students wait in line at the bottom of a stair case preparing for ziplining.
Congratulations to Nevaeha Jones and the Class of 2023. #LMCSClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A maroon graphic with a rolled diploma, mortar board the LMCS logo, the Class of 2023, a picture of a graduate and the name Nevaeha Jones
Livingston Manor hosted a meeting of the Sullivan County School Boards Association on Wednesday, May 24. After regular business concluded, the about 70 people in attendance enjoyed a farm to table dinner prepared by LMCS’s Food Service Director Stephen Rogers and Roscoe’s Food Service Director Leo Palacio. Following the dinner was featured speaker David Little of the NYS Rural Schools Association who led a discussion about issues facing rural school districts. Some of the topics addressed were electric school buses, the role of schools in rural communities, foundation aid and other funding and more.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
People sit at round tables in the LMCS auditorium
A student sitting at a table speaks into a microphone as a man listens
a man speaks into a microphone seated at a table as a man stands near a poster that reads RSA and has two children seated in grass with a globe
People sit at round tables in the LMCS auditorium
A man speaks into a microphone while standing near a round table as another man stands and listens
A woman seated  speaks into a microphone as a man listens
A woman reads from a lists talking into a microphone as a man listens
Congratulations to Nicholas Cusumano and the Class of 2023. #LMCSClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A maroon graphic with a rolled diploma, mortar board the LMCS logo, the Class of 2023, a picture of a graduate and the name Nicholas Cusumano
Congratulations to Ryan Rampe and the Class of 2023. #LMCSClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A maroon graphic with a rolled diploma, mortar board the LMCS logo, the Class of 2023, a picture of a graduate and the name Ryan Rampe
The LMCS band is gearing up for the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 29, The parade begins at 10 a.m. at firehouse comes down Main Street on to Rock Avenue and ends on Pearl Street where they have a ceremony
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
a marching band practices
A student plays the trumpet
Congratulations to Sienna Dutcher and the Class of 2023. #LMCSClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A maroon graphic with a rolled diploma, mortar board the LMCS logo, the Class of 2023, a picture of a graduate and the name Sienna Dutcher
Congratulations to Stephanie Meade and the Class of 2023. #LMCSClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A maroon graphic with a rolled diploma, mortar board the LMCS logo, the Class of 2023, a picture of a graduate and the name Stephanie Meade
Congratulations to our senior spring athletes! Senior recognition events were held for the baseball, softball and track players earlier this month.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
three softball players hold home plates with their photos on them as two coaches stand next to them
fife athletes pose for a photo
Two baseball players are flanked by family and coaches
Congratulations to Sheone Santiago and the Class of 2023. #LMCSClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A maroon graphic with a rolled diploma, mortar board the LMCS logo, the Class of 2023, a picture of a graduate and the name Sheone Santiago
Another great show by our student musicians! If you missed it in person, check out this link:
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students on stage as the audience watches
It was a great day to be outside!
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students pose for the camera while eating lunch
A student leans on money bars
an adult gestures to bounce a ball while teaching three young students to play foursquare
Students play gaga ball
Two students read books on a bench of an exercise station
A student rides a seated zipline
Check out this first "and likely only" Community Consensus podcast created by LMCS senior Sienna Dutcher in Dan Smith's Sound Recording Technology class. It is on the topic of "What advice would you give your 18 year old self?"
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
on a maroon background is an old fashioned mic at right, the LMCS logo at bottom left and stars, dots and lines, with the words "Community Consensus podcast with Sienna Dutcher
The sixth grade classes were able to do some hands-on learning at the Maritime Aquarium last week. They were able to touch and feed stingrays, as well as take part in a 4-D theater experience, and much more.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students pose in front of a large aquarium window
Have you been to Howe Caverns? Our fifth graders went on May 17 and enjoyed a boat ride and guided tour.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students pose for a photo in a cave
If you missed Tuesday's LMCS 5-12 band concert, no worries, you can see it on our livestream site, And if you can't make it to next Tuesday's 3-12 choral concert at 6:30 p.m., you'll be able to watch it there as well.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
a person directs a band of students on stage
The LMCS FFA chapter is now officially official! The chapter received its official charter during the New York State FFA conference in Buffalo. Members also rode the Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls. Andrew competed in Jr. Tool Id, others worked at a day of service project, “Friends of the Night People,” and some were in various leadership workshops.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students pose in front of a balloon arch with NYFFA with one student kneeling holding the charter
Students and others stand on stage while receiving the charter
Students pose in ponchos on the Maid of the Mist
Students walk down a ramp giving the thumbs up
No more ouchies! #TeddyBearClinic #UHSDelawareValleyHospital #LMVSSecondGrade
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A PoohBear sits on a hospital bed as an adult speaks and children watch
A PoohBear sits on a hospital bed as an adult speaks and children watch
stuffed animals are piled up on a medical devise as students and adults watch
stuffed animals are piled up on a medical devise as students and adults watch
Kindergartners celebrated their alphabet countdown "B" day with a visit from a visitor who says "BAAAAAAA"! Thank you to Gael Roots Community Farm for bringing the cutest little lamb we ever did see! We learned a lot and especially loved petting the lamb.
over 1 year ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A student pets a lamb as other students sit in a line and an adult stood near
An adult holds a lamb.
Students pose with a lam and two adults near the playground
two adults stand near a lamb as students sit in a line
Two adults sit on the ground, one holding a lamb as students sit in a line on the ground
Learning the cycle of life: Second graders recently finished learning the life cycle of plants (sunflower) and are now learning about frogs. The classes have frog eggs and salamander (newt) eggs in the fish tank to observe.
almost 2 years ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Sunflowers grow in pots
Salamander newts are shown in a tank
Grog crafts are displayed on doors